Damian Goldvarg Ph.D., MCC, CSP, ESIA
Leader, Team & Coach Supervisor
Damian Goldvarg is the President of Goldvarg Consulting Group, Inc., a consulting company that performs leadership development training, executive coaching and keynote speaking. He has 30 years of experience in executive assessment and coaching, leadership development, strategic planning, and team building, making him a highly sought-after trainer and speaker around the world. Through dynamic and entertaining presentations, Damian is helping multinational Fortune 100 companies, governmental, educational, and community-based organizations realize extraordinary results.
He is the Past Global Chair of the International Coach Federation (2013-2014) and was inducted into the ICF Circle of Distinction in 2018. He is a Certified Speaking Profesional (CSP) and a Supervision Accredited Supervisor by the European Mentor and Coaching Council (ESIA).
Damian is an expert on the topics of leadership development and effectiveness, executive coaching, coaching supervision, and global mindset. His confident and enthusiastic style resonates with audiences in over 50 countries as he teaches them how to:
Enhance productivity and communication
Improve the quality of their leadership
Better the personal lives of individuals within their organization
Develop a global mindset
Damian Goldvarg picture
Damian´s other areas of expertise include:
- emotional intelligence
- communication
- coaching
- cultural competence
- delegation
- conflict resolution
- team building
- coaching supervision
- mentor coaching
He is the author of five books, Steps for Success: Guide for the Immigrant to the U.S. (2011), Coaching Competencies: Following Global Standards (2012), Mentor Coaching in Action (2013), Coaching Supervision (2017) and Professional Coaching Competencies (2018).
Read about Damian Goldvarg's coaching supervision demonstration (under the Leader, Team or Coaching Supervision tab)